Senior Years (Mari Mob)
Real-World Experiences, Full of Possibilities
This group is for children whose levels range from Grade 10 to Grade 12. Jane Hold, Colleen Carter & Gil Hatcher teaches in the Mari Mob classroom
Senior students now have the opportunity to complete their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) at Blackall Range Independent School (BRIS) and it is both an exciting time and a time of great change as students move from the freedom of primary and middle school where a lot of the curriculum and tasks can be negotiated to having fairly set requirements for each subject.
As students progress from the middle school to Year 10, they have the opportunity to explore many different work occupations to try and find a field they are interested in through the provision of one week of work experience in the third term of the year.
To obtain their QCE, students are required to obtain 20 credit points. These can be completed by the end of Year 12, or up to 7 years after school.
In 2023, students in the Senior School will have access and opportunities to participate in school subjects, QCAA short courses and vocational education and training opportunities.
School Subjects include:
Essential English (4 QCE points)
Essential Mathematics (4 QCE points)
Social and Community Studies (4 QCE points)
Science in Practice (4 QCE points)
Visual Arts in Practice (4 QCE points)
Recreational Studies (4 QCE points)
Short Courses include:
Literacy Short Course (1 QCE Point)
Numeracy Short Course (1 QCE Point)
Career Education Short Course (1 QCE Point)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Short Course (1 QCE point)
Vocational Education and Training opportunities include:
Participation in VET courses (on-site and off-site)
Tafe Queensland courses
Securing School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
Headstart Program with the University of the Sunshine Coast.
NOTE: There is currently no option for students to complete an academic pathway and obtain an ATAR score. However, students can enrol in up to two general subjects through Brisbane School of Distance Education, and these subjects count towards an ATAR score. Students can take up to 5 years to complete the requirements for an ATAR score. Students who want to obtain entry to university from year 12 are encouraged to enrol in the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Head Start programme as part of their senior learning at BRIS, as well as completing the Tertiary Preparation Pathway programme at USC once they finish year 12. (We review our Senior Pathway options each year)
There is an option, where students who are finding a full-time workload too difficult, to negotiate an individual pathway with BRIS about what their senior schooling will include. This is done in consultation with the student, parents and teacher to ensure everyone is aware of the path they are choosing.
Assessment is non-competitive and continuous. Many learning experiences are conducted beyond the classroom including excursions, camps, special events, and cultural performances.