Image of green grounds, playground, oval and chicken coop

Our School

Blackall Range Independent School is set amongst the green, rolling pastures of the Blackall Ranges. The school grounds provide an idyllic setting for learning and have been carefully designed and created to enhance the educational experience at BRIS.

The main learning groups are housed in four separate buildings. There is also a library, art room, music room, tuck shop kitchen, garden, playground and large, grassy oval. There is also an undercover play area.


Blackall Range Independent School is ‘small by design.’

Image of School Courtyard with Students

Our teaching is based on a relationship model. This means that to effectively educate a child, first you must know who you are teaching. Smaller-sized classrooms enable us to do this more effectively with each child.

Multi-age classrooms enable flexibility for the children on their individual learning journeys. Areas of learning strength can be pursued beyond their ‘grade’, whilst other areas can be nurtured and supported.

The main learning groups are housed in four separate buildings:

Learning Groups

  • Image of Baby Platypus

    Puggle Pack (Early Years)

    Prep Teacher: Alethea Bain

  • Image of Possum

    Possum Posse (Lower Primary)

    Year 1-2 Teacher: Amy Brough & Julia Jennings

  • Image of Lorikeet (Primary)

    Lorikeet Legends (Middle Primary)

    Year 3-4 Teacher: Danielle Hicks

  • Image of Warbu Indigenous word for the Green Tree Frog

    Warbu Warriors (Upper Primary)

    Year 5-6 Teacher: Ryan Vermeulen

  • Image of a mouse

    Kureelpa Crew (Junior High School)

    Year 7 & 8, Teachers: Jane Hold, Colleen Carter & Gil Hatcher

  • Image of a koala

    Gulla Gang (Middle School)

    Year 9, Teachers: Jane Hold, Colleen Carter & Gil Hatcher

  • Image of kangaroo

    Mari Mob (Senior School)

    Year 10, 11 & 12, Teacher: Colleen Carter, Jane Hold, Gil Hatcher (HASS, VET, Paths Coordinator)