Lower Primary (Possum Posse)
Collaborative, Project-Based, Passionate Learning
This group is for children whose levels range from Grade 1 to Grade 2. Amy Brough and Julia Jennings teaches in the Possum Posse classroom.
In the 1/2 classroom, you will find an environment that is flexible to include indoor work areas along with outdoor locations. Our multi-aged classroom is enhanced by access to peers with differing skills, strengths and ability levels. Therefore, our curriculum is sequenced according to developmental needs of the student. Our learning environment is fluid and dynamic that changes as the students’ needs change. Group projects as well as individual projects, explorations and investigations occurring over the course of the year is encouraged and students have the opportunity to explore interests in an integrated, in-depth way. All students are encouraged to work with each other and to provide peer support which helps support positive relationships.

Middle Primary (Lorikeet Legends)
Self Discovery, Exploration, and Enthusiasm for Learning
This group is for children whose levels range from Grade 3 to Grade 4. Danielle Hicks teaches in the Lorikeet Legends classroom.
In the 3/4 classroom, we believe that children learn best when they are happy, relaxed and engaged. Students work at their own level and are treated as unique individuals with their own needs, interests and ways of learning.
Each child's abilities are extended in a warm, friendly and supportive environment. Children work across curriculum areas to develop their literacy and numeracy skills, express themselves creatively in art and music, participate in fun and engaging physical activities and also be equipped with practical IT skills utilising our 1:1 laptop and iPad program.

Upper Primary (Warbu Warriors)
Making Connections, Critical Thinking & Adventure
This group is for children whose levels range from Grade 5 and Grade 6 . Ryan Vermeulen teaches in the Warbu Warriors classroom.
The Upper Primary learning environment allows students freedom within the curriculum to work at a comfortable pace and have some input into the direction their learning takes.
Students are allowed the space to work on topics they are interested in and are encouraged to become critical learners. It is understood everyone’s learning journey is unique.